Thursday, October 14, 2010

Contest Giveaway: Win A Copy Of The New Mickey Mantle Bio

Just a reminder that I'm giving away a copy of Jane Leavy's new book, "The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America's Childhood." Entering is simple. All you need to do is this:

1)Send me an e-mail (address in upper left) with how many total runs will be scored by both teams in the ALCS. Just need one total. Subject can be "Mantle book contest"

2)Include in your e-mail how many combined total hits, and combined total strikeouts, and combined total walks there will be in the ALCS. These will be used (in order) to break ties.

Pretty simple, eh? Deadline to enter is 1st pitch of the ALCS. Winner will be the person closest to the combined runs total, without going over of course. In the event a tie-breaker is needed, also guess the following: total combined hits, total combined strikeouts, total combined walks. Hits will be tie-breaker #1, Ks will be tie-breaker #2, and walks will be #3. So if two people predict the same # of runs and hits, I'll go to Ks. If still tied, I'll go with walks. If still tied, I'm not sure what I'll do.

Good luck.

Peace, love and Pinstripes,
