Saturday, October 7, 2006

The End Of The Road

So the Yankee season is officially over. I love this time of year because of October baseball, but at the same time, this time of year always gets me a little down, and I think you all can relate. And this has nothing to do with the loss and that the Yankees won't win #27 this year. I can live with the loss. I have no problem with that. I think any Yankee fan that lived through the collapse in 2004 can make it through this, or any loss for that matter. And like Felix over at The Life Of A Yankee Fan, despite this, I am and will always be, a Yankees fan.
What gets me down is that the season is over. No more Yankee baseball, and soon no more baseball at all. It's like when your best friend moves away. Or when the college semester ends and everyone goes home for a few months. You know you'll see them again someday, but you immediately start to miss them, and it hurts and it weighs on your mind. Here are these people that you spend every day with for almost 7 months. You experience the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the good times and bad, and then poof, they're gone just like that. If you're a serious fan of a sport, or a sports team, I think you know what I mean. Hopefully my analogy makes sense.
I'm going to get sappy for a moment and quote some Boyz II Men lyrics because they kind of apply. "Although we've come, to the end of the road, still I can't let you go. It's unnatural. You belong to me. I belong to you." Metaphorically speaking, the Yankees do belong to me and I belong to them. The Yankees are in a way a part of me. They're in my heart and they have my heart. If they weren't, I wouldn't be here in the MLBlogosphere. Again I think as a fan of a team you catch my drift. Excuse me, but I think my loafers just got a little lighter. *chuckle*
Winning would have obviously made the offseason and the "time apart" a little more bearable. Thankfully, I know I'll see my friends again someday soon. If only someday were tomorrow. But I'll see them, in February for another welcomed go-around. So take care fellas, I'll see ya in a few months.
I only wonder who'll survive the carnage. It should make for some good offseason posts.
Peace, love and Pinstripes.