Thursday, October 12, 2006

10,000 And Counting

I'm still a little shocked by yesterday's tragedy, so I'm going to keep it light today. It snowed like a **** here today in Buffalo. It had to have dropped a few inches. No unnecessary travel they're advising. Man, I love October..
The hit meter finally went past the 10,000 mark. Now I know in comparison to some other MLBlogs it seems pretty light, but there is a reason for that. I have my counter set up so that it only counts a visit 1 time if you've been to this site within like a 6 hour period. So I can log on to my blog 15 times a day, and it counts one time. There are some sites out there that if you hit refresh on the site, it goes up every time. If you visit a blog, click on the comments section, sign, and then post a comment, that counts as 4 hits on the counter. I don't want to roll like that. It just doesn't seem right.
I stumbled onto a site yesterday that a lot of my fellow bloggers might be interested in. It ranks sports blogs. Don't ask me how, I couldn't quite figure it out. The Boogie Down was #10 on the list of Yankee blogs. It was out of 76 or so. Today, I'm 11th and it's only out of 47. It also has an overall ranking. Out of 788 blogs, the Boogie Down came in at a respectable # 115. There are a lot of us on there. Give it a look. It's kind of neat, but I don't put any stock into it. I'm not really writing this for anybody but myself.
I celebrated birthday #33 on Tuesday. I got a really sweet Yankee jacket from my in-laws, and the wife dropped a 60GB iPOD on me. I've been playing with that thing all night. I love me some music.
I'm still pretty shocked about the untimely death of Cory Lidle. Luckyleftie put it well when he likened it to getting punched right in the gut, and having the wind and life taken right out of you. I feel so sorry for his wife and son. It's very tragic and I still don't really believe it happened. It just seems like a really bad dream that you can't wake up from.
Have a good night. Think of me in the morning when I'm shoveling out my driveway.