Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Tonight's Da Night

In a little less than 4 hours Yankee postseason baseball will be upon us and the march to #27 begins. Man, I'm excited. I can't wait for work to end so I can get home and plop myself on the couch and watch some pregame. If only I didn't have to get an oil change tonight. It hasn't been 3 months yet, but it's been about 7000 miles since my last one. Yeah, I drive a lot, and I'm lazy. I've been putting it off for weeks.
I have the luxury of listening to the games at work on XM, so I got to hear The Big Hurt stick it to the Twins. I love it. Coming up next is the Padres/Cards. Go Padres.
Is it 8pm yet? D'oh. Time is moving so slowly.
You have to admit the Yankee lineup is awesome. A-Rod is batting 6th. Freaking 6th. And that's probably the best place for him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we bought the lineup. I said it before. The Yankees and their fans can't win when it comes to the detractors. They win the World Series, they bought the title. They lose and everyone makes cracks about they get paid so much to lose. Blah blah blah. Is that the best you got.
7 minutes have passed since I last checked the time. At least work is almost over. I wish I could jump out the window and slide into my car on the tail of a dinosaur a la Fred Flintstone. Yabba dabba do.
Chien-Ming Wang is on the bump tonight. He has been phenomenal at home. If that sinker is working, watch out. We might just see Wang shut down the Tigers again. It's very important that the Yankees win game 1. Besides not allowing the Tigers to steal the home-field advantage from us, it keeps them reeling. They've been taking their lumps lately. Let's keep them against the ropes and land an early knockout blow like Little Mac would do to Glass Joe in Mike Tyson's Punch Out. Man I'm giddy. It's 4:20. And that's not the reason why I'm giddy. It's the playoffs baby!
If any of you stopped by Mark Feinsand's blog today, you might have seen the contest he was doing. 10 Yankee trivia questions. Be 1 of the first 3 to answer them right and you'd win a copy of the Yankees World Series DVDs. I have to pat myself on the back for being number 1. I can't wait to get those DVDs so I can spin them in my DVD player. If you haven't checked out the contest, I suggest you do so. He hasn't posted the winners yet so there might still be a chance. They were great questions.
It's 4:23 now. Consornit. I think that's old-school swearing from back in day or something. I heard it uttered once on a Simpson's episode. Almost 3.5 hours to first pitch. I just hope these games don't last 4 plus hours. If they do, I won't be too productive. Not that, answering trivia questions and posting blog entries is productive. I probably shouldn't have said I was working. Yikes. Hopefully, they aren't monitoring the Internet today. Even if they are, it's the Yankees man. I have to get my fix.
It's 4:30. Come on Father Time, let's get a move on. I look forward to Damon, Jeter, Abreu, Sheffield, Giambi, A-Rod, Matsui, Posada and Cano rack Mr. Gum Time. It's now 10 minutes to 5. I had to answer some questions for somebody. It didn't really take me 20 minutes to type the Yankee lineup.
10 minutes left in the work day. I have to start "closing up shop." Otherwise, I keep babbling. Go Yankees!