Saturday, April 4, 2009

And The Winners Are.....

The Yanks closed out their spring today walloping the Cubs 11-1. Here is how the contest to win a copy of the Essential Games of Yankee Stadium DVD box set played out:

How many total runs will the Yankees and Cubs combine for in their 2 game series? Actual = 22, Winner = Mr. Faded Glory

  • Brandon = 11, Craig = 17, Rob = 18, Alex = 18, Mr. Faded Glory = 19, Dean = 24, Darren = 24, Steve = 25

How many total hits will the Yankees and Cubs combine for in their 2 game series?, Actual = 38, Winner = Dean

  • Brandon = 25, Mr. Faded Glory = 32, Craig = 33, Alex = 34, Rob = 35, Dean = 38, Steve = 40, Darren = 40

How many total strikeouts will the Yankees and Cubs combine for in their 2 game series? Actual = 25, Winner = Alex

  • Brandon = 12, Craig = 14, Mr. Faded Glory = 18, Alex = 20, Rob = 28, Darren = 28, Dean = 29, Steve = 40

How many total home runs will the Yankees and Cubs combine for in their 2 game series? Actual = 8, Winner via tie-breaker = Steve

  • Alex = 2, Brandon = 3, Mr. Faded Glory = 3, Craig = 4, Darren = 4, Rob = 4, Dean = 5, Steve = 5

How many total walks will the Yankees and Cubs combine for in their 2 game series? Actual = 13, Winner = Rob (since Dean & Mr. Faded Glory already won)

  • Alex = 4, Craig = 7, Brandon = 8, Rob =11, Dean = 11, Mr. Faded Glory = 12, Steve = 15, Darren = 20

The tie-breakers was how many autographs do I have in my collection?

  • Darren = 0, Rob = 27, Craig = 29, Brandon = 36, Alex = 60, Mr. Faded Glory = 76, Dean = 176, Steve = 202

So congrats to Mr. Faded Glory, Dean, Alex, Steve, and Rob. I'll be e-mailing you for your address. Better luck next time to Craig, Darren, and Brandon. Speaking of next time, I should be getting some copies of the New York Yankees Perfect Game and No-Hitters DVD box set in a couple of weeks, so make sure to check back for another contest.

Peace, love and Pinstripes,



Darren said...

Congrats to the winners. I was at the Stadium Friday night and it is great. I think this team is going to do well this year and I am looking forward to OPening Day on Monday!