Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Yankees Stink, Fire Cashman, And Trade Mo

That makes me laugh. It's hard to believe that 11 games into the season, some "Yankee fans," and I use that term very loosely, are making those statements.
"Fire Joe Torre!"
"The Yankees stink, they won't win, and can't pitch"
"Fire Brian Cashman!"
"Trading Mo"
Those are just a sample of the entries being posted on Yankee fan message boards, both on MLB.com, and on the YES Network. And they're the main reason why I don't usually visit fan boards. It's usually some D-bag that knows nothing about the game or the team and is just there, basically, being a D-bag. It's much better here at MLBlogs, or on blogs period for that matter. You get real discussion, honest opinions, and very few, if any, people being d-bags. I'll take that any day of the week.